Parosmia is a distorted sense of smell due to an inability of the brain to properly identify odors. This unpleasant condition is reported in about 10% of people after recovering from the currently trending viral infection. Unfortunately, parosmia also affects taste and smell of foods, which some describe as gasoline, rotten meat, garbage, or another unpleasant aroma and taste.

As I reported in a video nearly one year ago (, olfactory training (also called smell therapy) may be a solution to post-infection parosmia. Olfactory training improves olfactory function discrimination and identification, functional connectivity within the olfactory system, and cognitive processing of incomplete sensory information. The key is PERSISTENCE!! According to one study, it may take several months of twice-daily olfactory training to see desired results.

The study recommends smelling different aromas in succession for at least 15 seconds, twice daily. Most commonly the following odors are recommended:
1) rose (phenyl ethyl alcohol), eucalyptus (eucalyptol), lemony/citrusy (citronellal), and clove (eugenol); 2) anise (trans-anethole), eucalyptus (eucalyptol), lemony/citrusy (citronellal), and clove (eugenol); or 3) twelve separate odors that are alternated twice every eight weeks: first phase–rose (phenyl ethyl alcohol), eucalyptus (eucalyptol), lemony/citrusy (citronellal), and clove (eugenol), second phase–cinnamon, thyme, chocolate, and peach, third phase: coffee, lavender, honey, and strawberry.

To use essential oils for olfactory training, do the following.

Weeks 1-4: Smell rose, eucalyptus, citronella, and clove for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 5-8: Smell fennel, cinnamon, thyme, and lemon for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 9-12: Smell rose, eucalyptus, citronella, and clove for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 13-16: Smell fennel, cinnamon, thyme, and lemon for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 17-20: Smell rose, eucalyptus, citronella, and clove for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 21-24: Smell fennel, cinnamon, thyme, and lemon for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 25-28: Smell rose, eucalyptus, citronella, and clove for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.
Weeks 29-32: Smell fennel, cinnamon, thyme, and lemon for 15-20 seconds, twice daily.

The oils can be smelled directly from the bottles, or apply 1-2 drops to cotton or gauze and smell from this (more complete aroma).

Dr Scott Johnson