Cupping – breakouts therapy
Breakouts can be hard to figure out, one day your skin is clear and the next it’s a war-zone. Did you know that your acne could be linked to other health issues? According to traditional Eastern Medicine, internal imbalances in our body can show up on our face. These issues can show up in the form of acne, dark circles or rashes. When you are trying product after product and still not achieving clear skin, the truth is, it might be your insides that are causing the problem. Here’s how the hijama (wet cupping therapy) helps you. Hijama (also known as wet cupping) is used to get rid of acne because it removes heat & stagnation from acne pimples. Hijama has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which also helps in the fight against acne. More than ever, your body is in strong need for a coping mechanism that can fight off the chemical/toxin onslaught. One way or other, those health hazarding toxins, environmental pollutants, pesticides, heavy metals, carcinogens, chemicals, and allergens find their ways

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